Doctor showing ultrasound scan to pregnant woman & her husband during sonography.

Symptoms of Second Trimester of Pregnancy – Prenatal Care for Expecting Mom

‘Golden Period of Pregnancy’ – The Interval Break

After passing the three cumbersome months of the first trimester of pregnancy, the second trimester comes with a time to get back some lost energy and enjoy the pregnancy phase, before entering the finale of the pregnancy in the third trimester.

The second trimester of pregnancy starts from week 13 and lasts up to week 27. It is the time when you start to actually look pregnant with the emergence of a visible baby bump.

During this time period, your baby’s organs and features develop. This is also the time when the gender of your baby can be guessed, either by self-beliefs of experienced mothers or through ultrasound done around the 20th week of pregnancy, provided prenatal sex determination is legal in your country.

Around the 7th month, your baby’s hearing senses will be fully developed. So, Daddy can also start creating his bonding with the baby 😊

The second trimester of pregnancy is also the time for the most awaited event of pregnancy – ‘first kicks of the baby’, which usually happen somewhere between weeks 18 and 22.

While your baby in your womb will keep becoming more and more active & aware of the surroundings, you as a pregnant woman also need to be aware of the new changes which will be happening in your body in the second trimester of pregnancy & how you can prepare yourself in advance.  And frankly, the second trimester is not a cakewalk either.

Developments in women’s body during 2nd Trimester

Food Cravings, Acidity & Constipation

After having food aversions in 1st trimester, 2nd trimester is the time you will strongly crave sweet, salty, savoury, spicy or dark chocolaty food.

Now here is the irony, while your appetite will come back in the second trimester & you will start enjoying food again, your pregnancy hormones will make you more prone to acidity or heartburn.

Thus, as a pregnant woman, your chances of feeling uneasy after eating certain foods like spicy foods, citrus fruits, greasy or fried foods & chocolate will be higher than those around you. So, you have to be careful with your one-time food intake and choices.   

Also, the generic ‘Eating for Two’ idea will do more harm to you than any good.  Be careful when you consume more calories now. With too many calories, you can put yourself at risk of excess weight gain & gestational diabetes which are harmful for both you & your baby.

Your digestive system can also slow down during pregnancy due to change in hormone levels, leading to constipation. Thus, eating fibrous food & avoiding sugary beverages is important.

So eat, but with caution!

Weight Gain

Based on your daily calories intake as recommended by your Doctor, you will start gaining around 0.2 kg to 0.5 kg of weight every week from the 2nd trimester till the end of the 3rd trimester. This weight gain will start to come up in your belly and breasts. Some women prefer buying nursing bras of different sizes at this time itself.

This is also time to buy maternity clothes to feel comfortable and good about yourself.

Leaky breasts

Some pregnant women experience small leakage of colostrum (breast milk that comes right after delivery) from their nipples even during 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

So, to save yourself from stains on clothes, wear disposable or washable nursing/breast pads inside your bras. These will be very helpful, especially if you plan to go out for some social gathering.

Stretch marks

As your body starts to expand during the 2nd trimester, stretch marks will start to appear on your stomach, buttocks, thighs, hips or breasts. Also, stretch marks are genetical. So, if your mother had them, you are also likely to have them.


Mild itching here and there on hands, feet, tummy, breasts, even nipples is common from the second trimester of pregnancy onwards, usually starting during the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy.

Wearing loose cotton clothes & staying hydrated to prevent dryness can help.

Applying Coconut oil & Moisture-Rich creams with Cocoa Butter & Vitamin E will provide some relief from itching & will also prevent strong stretch marks. Thus, you will have better skin post-delivery also.

But you must consult your doctor in case of severe itching.

Good Hair, Glowing Skin & Pigmentation

Pregnant woman with long hair & glowing face.

Hair fall might have troubled you for ages, but at this time of your life, you will see a thrilling change when you will feel that extra volume & shine in your hair. Play with it as much as you can now, because it is just a temporary gift of pregnancy. Your hair will go back to pre pregnancy type & volume within a year after childbirth.  

As you reach the 2nd trimester, people around you will start complimenting you for that glowing skin which is a result of hormonal and other changes happening in your body due to pregnancy. But even this extra glow will go off after childbirth.

And don’t get shocked when your nipples start to grow in size & turn dark or you see a dark line appearing on your belly. Both are absolutely normal symptoms of pregnancy.  Some women also develop ‘mask of pregnancy’ which are brown patches on the face.

Good thing is that the dark line known as ‘Linea Nigra’ and mask of pregnancy known as ‘Melasma’ vanish themselves a few months after childbirth. Nipples also usually return to pre pregnancy stage after breastfeeding is over.

Braxton Hicks Contractions

During the second trimester, you will start feeling short Braxton Hicks contractions, commonly known as ‘false labor contractions’, in the uterus which feel similar to mild cramps in the lower abdomen felt during menstruation. These contractions will increase as you proceed towards the third trimester and labor.

But there is nothing to worry about. These Braxton Hicks Contractions are just preparing your body in advance for the real labor.

However, dehydration can make you feel more of these contractions. You must consult your doctor if these contractions are very frequent.

Leg Cramps & Back Pain

Though most women get leg cramps during the third trimester, leg cramps for some women, can even start during their second trimester, especially at night or when they lie-down for a long time.

And, you might have escaped back pain in the 1st trimester, but with your baby rapidly gaining weight in the womb from the 2nd trimester onwards, back pain, which can be in the lower & upper back of your body & which can also flow to the buttocks and legs, is slightly inescapable now.

Many expecting women have found walking to be highly beneficial in reducing pain.

Avoid lying down for a long time to reduce both your legs and back pain. Keeping feet in an elevated position for 20 minutes for three to four times a day can also help.

Placing a pillow under or between your legs can help in relieving some pain. Some women also buy a pregnancy pillow to help them manage leg and back pain during sleep. This also enables better sleep at night.

Nasal Congestion

You might be surprised to get a stuffy nose without any other cold symptoms around the second trimester of pregnancy. Also known as Pregnancy Rhinitis, this nasal congestion can cause sneezing & runny nose too.

It lasts till the third trimester & usually goes off after 2 weeks of delivery. Nasal congestion can affect your quality of sleep, thus making you feeling irritated & tired during the day. Some Expecting Moms resort to using Vicks Vaporub to reduce the symptoms.

Crying for No Big Reason

Many pregnant women have felt highly emotional during their second trimester. Stressing over physical changes & pain in the body can also aggravate the mood swings caused by the changed hormone levels during pregnancy, thus, making you cry over small things.

Discussing the changes in your body & requirements of your body with your partner can be helpful to both of you. It will help you sail through the pregnancy journey with lesser hassle.

Most of the common symptoms of second trimester of pregnancy are absolutely normal and symbolize a healthy pregnancy. But you must consult your Doctor in case of any severity or doubt.

Avoid physical activities which involve bending a lot, lifting heavy weight or standing for a long time.

Pregnant woman walking & doing prenatal yoga.

Keep yourself hydrated, well moisturized, eat healthy food, take your prenatal vitamins as suggested by your Doctor, avoid sitting or lying down for a long time, try to remain active, go for walk & do some prenatal yoga, if possible.

Think good & feel delighted about the soon to come moments when the little one inside you will be right in front of you, looking at you & calling you ‘Mama’ 😊

And don’t forget to pamper yourself with some new shopping, just for you!


The third trimester is again going to bring some difficult time for you. And life after baby’s birth will no more be the same for both the parents, so enjoy this time with your partner as much as you can.

Make good memories to cherish forever. Second trimester is also the best time to engage in some maternity photo shoots as you would be in the best mood of the pregnancy phase.

Share your experience of Pregnancy or the Second Trimester of Pregnancy in the comments below.

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Disclaimer : Symptoms & Tips mentioned above are based on experiences of different women. Please keep consulting your Doctor from time to time. Have a Healthy & Safe Pregnancy !

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