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5 Things To Know Right After Getting Pregnant – The First Trimester Symptoms & Tips

Prenatal Care for the Expecting Mother – Words of Truth!

Who doesn’t know that a baby brings a long spell of sleepless days and nights after arriving in the house? But what happens when the baby is conceived and starts to grow inside the body of the mother-to-be?


Pregnancy kit test result showing two lines meaning pregnant

Be it a planned or unplanned pregnancy, but seeing 2 lines on the pregnancy test kit always makes the eyes open wide and put the mind in doubt – Is it true? Those few seconds which cause the feeling of an adrenaline rush, mark the beginning of a wide range of new experiences for the woman, especially if it is her first pregnancy.

While most of the movies and entertainment media portray pregnancy to be a period of few vomits, pregnant belly, back and leg pain, food cravings, ultrasound images of a tiny little being transforming into a new human form, baby shower, labour and delivery, but that ain’t the full reality of life.

Know why Prenatal Care is important for the expectant mother too.

Here is a list of 5 common symptoms of the First Trimester of Pregnancy, but you wish some told them to you beforehand.

Nausea and Vomiting

For most expecting mothers, the 1st trimester is a time for nausea and vomiting which gradually increase in frequency as the weeks progress. And it does not end after 1 or 2 throw ups. Vomits can occur at any time of day and at nights too. 

Tip – Keeping the body hydrated by sipping small amounts of water helps.


Change in the taste of mouth

Everyone knows about food cravings during pregnancy, be it for a tangy food or for the ice creams, but wait, it usually doesn’t happen before the end of the 1st trimester. On the contrary expecting mothers often face food aversions during the 1st Trimester, even from their favourite foods. Remember the vomits. 

Tip – Wait for 2nd and 3rd Trimester of pregnancy to fulfil all your cravings.


Pregnant woman saying no to cake due to food aversion during first trimester of pregnancy

Don’t get surprised if you suddenly start hating your most loved food during the First Trimester of Pregnancy.

Weight Loss

People often say that a pregnant mother eats for two. But there is a clause in that. Due to all the nausea, vomiting, inability to eat much and with food aversions, expecting mothers sometimes start to lose weight.

Tip – It is highly advisable to consult the Gynaecologist in case of weight loss.



If you are not doing any major physical or mental work, it can feel strange to have fatigue and exhaustion during the 1st Trimester. However, the sudden new changes happening inside your body in the 1st Trimester keep your body busy and thus fatigued. One of the major changes is the formation of the new pregnancy organ – Placenta; which supplies nutrients and oxygen to the baby.

Tip – Sleep little extra and don’t shy from taking nap breaks during the day. The body needs some extra rest during this time.


Mood Swings

The news of Pregnancy is often followed by a trail of joyous emotions. But sudden hormonal changes in your body during early days of 1st Trimester cause annoying mood swings, which can strongly affect your emotional and mental health. It can also lead to phases of fear and stress.

Tip – Light meditation can help.


Words of Caution – An expecting mother should take any medicine only if her Gynaecologist prescribes.

All pregnancies are not exactly the same and the symptoms vary for different women.  

For instance, one of my friends revealed that she felt puckish when she looked at kissing scenes on TV or smartphone during her first trimester of pregnancy. Imagine what would have been the plight of her husband too.   

Thankfully, for a majority of women, all the symptoms of 1st Trimester don’t pass on to other trimesters. 2nd Trimester is a time for some better feeling too.

And who ever said that pregnancy was going to be easy ?

Most of the common symptoms of first trimester of pregnancy are absolutely normal and symbolize a healthy pregnancy. But you must consult your Doctor in case of any severity or doubt.

Good Tip: Keep discussing the symptoms of 1st Trimester and the rest of the pregnancy with your husband because the entire experience can be as new for him as it will be for you, especially if it is your first pregnancy. With better understanding, the two of you can calmly and confidently progress in the journey of pregnancy.

There is a science and nature behind the birth of a baby but there is no exact fixed formula for the pregnancy of every woman. Every woman’s body and each baby is unique and special, and thus are the experiences of the pregnant women. 

Share your experience of Pregnancy or the First Trimester of Pregnancy in the comments below.

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Disclaimer : Symptoms & Tips mentioned above are based on experiences of different women. Please keep consulting your Doctor from time to time. Have a Healthy & Safe Pregnancy !

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6 thoughts on “5 Things To Know Right After Getting Pregnant – The First Trimester Symptoms & Tips”

  1. Good information and written in reader friendly language. Must read for all those who are already or planning to become pregnant!

  2. Thanks for sharing such information. Knowing the symptoms will help prepare both husband and wife in advance and take better care.

    1. Welcome Shweta. You are right. I have seen both husband and wife getting worried by sudden changes in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Knowing in advance will help both.

  3. Well written and quite informative. Keep sharing these little info. I am sure it’s going to enlighten others as well like it did to me.

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