Sad woman comforted by another woman during postpartum phase

Symptoms of Postpartum – Are there New Challenges for the New Mom Right After The Childbirth?

‘It’s hard, but you will pass through

( Avoid Postpartum Depression with Postnatal Care)

If you thought that labour and delivery are the epilogues of your pregnancy journey, then you are totally wrong!!

While as a New Mom you will be filled with ecstasy after seeing your new-born, life for a few days after delivery is physically and mentally, another challenge ahead.

It is a lot more than breastfeeding, sleepless days and nights, diaper changing sessions and rocking the baby to sleep.

During the six weeks right after the childbirth, a new mother goes through a series of changes in her body. This period is also known as Postpartum.

Experienced mothers often tell a new mother that ‘it’s a hard period, but you will pass’.

So, why not be prepared for it well in advance than fretting over the situations later.

Know the Challenges of Postpartum and Why Postnatal Care is Extremely Important for Mother

Your Bleeding will be back with Full Throttle

You have had a ‘No Bleeding’ period during the pregnancy. But just in the moments after the baby comes out of the womb, vaginal bleeding will be back with a heavy flow.

But remember not to confuse this bleeding with Menstruation or the Periods Bleeding.

Bleeding after childbirth is called Lochia – 3 days of heavy flow which then gradually decreases from light bleeding to spotting, in a duration of 6 weeks after delivery.

It is important to note that the number of days of this Postpartum bleeding are not same for every woman.

However, it is important to consult your doctor if the heavy flow bleeding goes beyond 3 days of delivery because it can lead to drop in blood pressure and can become fatal, if not treated on time. So, Lochia is not similar to the monthly cycle bleeding.

Regular pads won’t be able to suffice the blood during the heavy flow days of Lochia.

As a caution, one should carry heavy flow pads in the maternity kit while coming for delivery to the hospital. And Tampons are not allowed at this time because they can lead to infection.

Your Hormones will again Go Crazy

To begin with, let’s remember the time when a woman becomes pregnant. What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy? A sudden change in hormones as the woman’s body starts changing to prepare for the growth of the baby inside her womb.

The reverse happens when the baby comes out of the womb. The body of the woman starts going back to the pre-pregnancy state and this again causes a sudden change in hormonal levels.

What happens when hormone’s levels change? Yes, Mood Swings!! Also known as the Baby Blues.

So, if you as the new mother start to feel sad, bad and crying after giving birth, blame it on your hormones and lack of sleep. It is totally normal and not in your control, at least for 10 days to two weeks after the childbirth.

Then obviously, every woman and her body is unique, so are the hormonal changes and thus are the experiences.

Thus, any comparison and bad-mouthing by anyone will only make the matters worse for you. To avoid aggravating your mood, either you succeed in educating the oblivion or you have to mentally escape the environment. Physically, you might not be able to escape.

Difficulty in Peeing & Pooping 

Constipation is common for the first few days after delivery and can last up to three to six months for some women. Keeping yourself hydrated and eating a high-fiber diet is an easy way to resolve the poop issue.

But you must consult your Doctor if there is no movement in your bowel till 4th day after childbirth. The Doctor might also suggest some stool softener.

However, some women can experience diarrhoea. So, consulting the doctor is a must.

Peeing is also not a very self-relieving experience. Some women experience pain and burning during urination for a few days after delivery.


Woman breastfeeding baby after delivery or postpartum period

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding the baby for up to 2 years.

Fatigue is a Part and Parcel of the Pregnancy journey

Producing breast milk and feeding the baby at regular intervals during day and night can leave you exhausted. You will also need some extra calories to carry out this drill.

Postpartum is a time when your body gets busy in your internal healing for the recovery from childbirth, plus you also need to understand the needs of your baby who has just come into a new environment.

While diaper changing sessions can be shared jointly with the Daddy of the baby or any other family member, calming down the crying baby and putting the baby to sleep is no quick, easy and a one-time task. So, sleepless nights and days are bound to happen and thus the fatigue.

Hair fall after delivery

Many New Moms think that the sudden hair loss of their lovely, dense & shiny hair which they grew during pregnancy is because of stress they are feeling after having the child. This is not true!

It is absolutely normal to have hair loss after delivery and go back to pre-pregnancy hair and volume within one year of childbirth.

Hair becomes rich & voluminous during pregnancy because of the rise in hormonal levels in your body which make them stay for a longer time before shedding. Thus, when your hormonal levels drop immediately after delivery, your hair begins to fall out in much bigger clumps than it was happening during pregnancy and even before pregnancy.

So, even though hair fall has always worried all women, here it is absolutely natural and nothing to worry about.

Avoid Postpartum Depression

Remember, it is not just the baby who needs all the love and care after birth. You will also need good nutrients in your diet for your own recovery. Never hesitate in seeking care and support.

The postpartum period is hard, no doubt about it, but, you will be able to pass through it.

Mother with baby and father-family support-avoid postpatum depression

The smile and affection of your baby will vanquish all the pain and misery of your body.

With the right awareness, healthcare and taking things calmly along with the support of family members, it is totally possible to prevent getting into the state of Postpartum Depression.

Motherhood is a time to be strong. It is essential to be careful and strong-willed and enjoy each phase of life, because the early moments of growing days of your baby will come only once and never again.


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Disclaimer : Symptoms & Tips mentioned above are based on experiences of different women. Please keep consulting your Doctor from time to time. Have a happy & healthy Motherhood journey !

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2 thoughts on “Symptoms of Postpartum – Are there New Challenges for the New Mom Right After The Childbirth?”

  1. I m Jennifer I hv one boy he is 3 yr and one girl she is 1yr 5 months but I feel when I hear a loud noise I get angry specially when my son crys and I hv no support from family they say ur kids u hv to take care my hubby is in other place . In this situation I feel very lonely and eratted so wht should I do but in this things my son gets more bettings plz help me hw to over come from this plz

    1. Hi dear. Don’t worry. What you are going through is very common. It is natural to sometimes feel out of control of the situation and get angry on children… I would suggest that first thing you can do is to accept the fact that children will not behave like grown ups till the time they don’t grow up… Children will make noise, they will make mess, they will be dependent on you & they will have expectations from you, because they know that you are there for them… The bonding between a mother and her children is incomparable.
      Probably the reason why you are losing self control when your children make noise is that you have to leave your work or any activity in mid and rush to them.. Now, since you are alone with the kids, so you have to mentally prepare yourself that such situations will keep on arising and you have no other option but to handle them by yourself… So, try no to loose your calm, take a deep breath and then go to your kids… Instead of immediately jumping in to solve their problem, try to understand their problem from them and offer them a solution with a calm mind… Beating your children can leave bad influence on your children when they grow up.
      You can also try developing a time schedule for yourself wherein you can plan your day and activities as per your children’s sleep time and others activities.
      Your children will keep growing up and have different needs at different times of life. Don’t worry, these days shall also pass.
      You may also check out my other article on motherhood.

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