Pregnant woman & husband consulting Doctor in 3rd trimester of pregnancy..

Prenatal Care for Expecting Mother in Third Trimester – Symptoms & Tips

The Long Wait Finale of Pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy starts from 28th week, that is, the 7th month of pregnancy & can last till birth of the baby, usually around the 40th week of pregnancy. However, a baby can arrive slightly early or later than the 40th week & still be healthy.

Since the delivery due dates are not exact dates, but estimated dates, One or Two weeks early or overdue than the 40th week of pregnancy is common. But some complications may arise if the baby is born as a premature/preterm baby, that is, born before the 37th week of pregnancy or becomes long overdue.

Good thing is that, unlike the first & the second trimesters, your visits to the Doctor will increase in frequency as you will approach the finale of pregnancy in the third trimester when you will move closer to labor & delivery. So, discussing all your symptoms with your Doctor can help you become better informed about your actual date of delivery.

Every pregnancy is unique, so assuming any peer pattern or even your previous pregnancy’s experience for your due date will only create unnecessary worries. Let your Doctor advise you best about your due date.

Feelings in the 3rd Trimester

We all have undertaken many journeys in our lives, long or short, be it road trip, train or flight. The start is exciting, but as we are nearing our destination, we start getting impatient & look at the time again and again. Don’t we?

Well, the pregnancy journey of 9 months is no comparison to any other journey you would have taken until now.

After having embraced the 8-9 months roller coaster ride of hormones & numerous changes happening in your body, with a new being growing from a tiny seed to a complete human being inside your womb, and going through the finale of pregnancy which is labor & delivery of your baby, you will no longer remain the older version of yourself.

That is why it is often said that a woman is reborn after giving birth to the baby. The new life which you will bring to this world will transform you into a newer, undiscovered you.

Pregnancy is a journey filled with all sorts of physical, emotional and mental challenges & changes. If you start to feel bad about desperately waiting for this journey to get over & your little one to come out of your body as soon as possible, especially during the third trimester, then you are not alone.

You have already endured a lot in 1st & 2nd trimesters of pregnancy. But the 3rd trimester is not an easy time-period. In fact, the 3rd trimester can be the most uncomfortable of all the trimesters.

Pregnant woman feeling sad in her third trimester of pregnancy.

Sciatic Pain

Your lower back pain can shoot and run down your buttocks, legs & feet. The growing weight of the baby during the third trimester also adds to pain in the body.

Even though physical activity might seem difficult during your 3rd trimester, try walking or doing Prenatal Yoga and Exercises with a Foam Roller. You can also use a heating pad for your lower back & buttocks.


As you will move ahead in the third trimester of pregnancy, you will find your legs, feet, ankles and fingers swelling more than before due to a high increase in fluids in the body. Swelling is a normal part of pregnancy.

However, you must consult your Doctor if you experience sudden swelling in the face, hands or feet. This is accompanied by high blood pressure (Preeclampsia in pregnant women). This condition must be discussed with the Doctor.

Frequent Urination & Vaginal Discharge

Your uncontrollable urge to urinate will only increase as you will progress towards the end of pregnancy. Some women also experience accidentally peeing when sneezing or coughing.

Also, there will be an increase in Vaginal Discharge near the end of 3rd trimester, indicating that your body is preparing for labor.

Panty Liners come as the best rescue in the above situations.

Leaky Breasts

Most women start leaking Colostrum (breast milk that comes right after delivery) from their nipples as they approach near the end of 3rd trimester. This is absolutely normal and it means your body is preparing for breastfeeding.

Wearing disposable or washable Nursing/Breast Pads inside your bras can help. However, you must consult your Doctor of you leak a lot or if there is blood in Colostrum.

Night Sweats & Under Breast Sweating

Don’t worry if you end up drenched with sweat during nights in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. This is a very common symptom & totally normal. Many expecting women find a lot of sweat around their breasts, underarms, neck, thighs and legs.

It’s like the feeling of being soaked in sweat on a hot summer day. So, keep cold water near you, stay hydrated, wear loose clothes, avoid foods that can aggravate body heat, keep a hand fan near you & sleep in cooler temperature.

Difficulty in Sleeping at Night

With all the pains in the body, sweating & the need to wake up many times in the middle of night to urinate, you will start to lack good quality night sleep. This also leads to forgetfulness amongst expectant women, also known as having ‘Pregnancy Brain’. But this is the most common & normal symptom of pregnancy.

Pregnant woman sleeping with pregnancy pillow.
Sleep comfortably with a Pregnancy Pillow

However, it is important to try to have better sleep for both your and your baby’s health. A Pregnancy Pillow can be of good support in avoiding some discomfort while sleeping.

It is often recommended to sleep on your left side from the 2nd trimester onwards. So, getting used to left-side sleeping can also take time, if not started early.


In the 3rd trimester, you will again start feeling tired & exhausted. You might experience shortness of breath even after doing little physical work like climbing up the stairs. These are normal symptoms of pregnancy. But make sure to consult your Doctor if you feel sudden dizziness or constant breathlessness.

Stay hydrated & eat healthy food. Having naps during the day can also make up for the energy lost due to a lack of good sleep at night.

Acid Reflux, Heartburn & Constipation

Acid reflux and burning sensation in the centre of the chest after eating are common in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. You might feel a sour or bitter taste in your mouth. Some pregnant women feel constipated and gassy too.  

But this time, you don’t have to take the blame for wrongful eating for disturbing your stomach. These are all normal symptoms, more common in the 3rd trimester, aligned with the growth of your baby in your womb.

However, you can lessen the effects of pregnancy induced poor digestive system by keeping yourself hydrated and being watchful of what and how much you eat at one time. Inability to do physical activity in the third trimester can also aggravate the situation. So, try not to lie down at a place for a longer time.

Stretch Marks

Almost all women develop pregnancy stretch marks near the end of 3rd trimester, even if they escaped from them in their earlier trimesters.

Apply Coconut oil & Moisture-Rich creams with cocoa butter & vitamin E whenever you start to get stretch marks, for some quicker relief post pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks Contractions ( False Labor Pain )

You might have already started to experience mild Braxton Hicks Contractions (cramps in the lower abdomen) in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. These contractions & relaxation of muscles in the uterus prepare you for the final labor. They grow in intensity and frequency during the 3rd trimester, till you approach the actual Labor Pain before delivery.

Most women mistake Braxton Hicks Contractions with Real Labor Pains, especially as their due date approaches.

While Braxton Hicks Contractions are of shorter duration, random and cease with the change in position of the body, Real Labor Pains (which start near the time of delivery) are more frequent, more painful, don’t cease off quickly and are accompanied by other symptoms of labor like change in vaginal discharge to pink or bloody, light bleeding or water breaking.

Every Pregnancy is Unique

Some of the symptoms of the 2nd trimester continue in the 3rd trimester till the end of pregnancy. Check out my other article on symptoms of 2nd trimester of pregnancy for more details.


Definitely, the 3rd trimester will not be an easy time for you & your desperation for it to get over is absolutely normal and common amongst women. Considering it as a finale to your pregnancy journey of 9 long months, by the end of 3rd trimester, you would have come a long way to embrace the most beautiful form of life, who is as eager as you to come out & see the world & You.

Keep discussing your pregnancy symptoms with your Doctor & feel relaxed.

Share your experience of Pregnancy or the Third Trimester of Pregnancy in the comments below.

I am sure it will be of great help to other women in their pregnancy journey, especially for women having their 1st pregnancy. Knowing that you are not alone can help in feeling better and confident. Every pregnancy is unique, so let there be No Hush Up about it.

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Disclaimer : Symptoms & Tips mentioned above are based on experiences of different women. Please keep consulting your Doctor from time to time. Have a Healthy & Safe Pregnancy !

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